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Timiş 2 TR69E #1

31 july 2003 - Between Vladimirescu and Combinat Chimic stops, near Arad. This is the suburban tram line to Ghioroc, these trams are heading towards Arad. The tram has stopped at a railway crossing with an electrified (!) railway line. This version of the Timis 2 tramcar was built especially for the Arad-Ghioroc line - both cars feature only two doors instead of the usual four, and more seats, albeit they are just as hard as in the normal Timis 2 trams.

Author: straphanedytor RSS
Place: Arad (Arad) | Owner: CTP Arad

Comments: 4

Timiş 2 TM69E #1

20 july 2003 - Ghioroc (miasteczko pod Aradem). Skład Timiszy 1+2 w ładnym malowaniu zawraca na trójkącie w towarzystwie gęsi! :)

Author: liptonedytorProfesional RSS
Place: Arad (Arad) | Owner: CTP Arad

Comments: 8



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