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РВЗ-6М #ВС-1 297

21 august 2019 - Vitebsk, Victory square. A utility car for checking the contact network based on RVZ-6M with a pantograph.

РВЗ-6М #ВС-1 297

21 august 2019 - Vitebsk, Victory square. A utility car for checking the contact network based on RVZ-6M with a pantograph.

РВЗ-6М2 #ВС-1 297

13 september 2018 - Vitebsk, Belarus: Today I will show pictures of all the works trams seen in the depot of Vitebsk tramways, the oldest system in Belarus. A few problems, though - I have no idea of the make and type of most of these vehicles and they were rather crammed in to the depot sidings, making photography difficult. This overhead line car is easy to identify, though, as it has already been listed on TWB and helpfully shows its original fleet number on the side window. I would be glad of some help to identify their original makes and types, please, as I can`t translate Cyrillic script - thanks.

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