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Volvo B10MA / Plaxton Premiere Interurban #402

16 march 2014 - Ferry Road, Benfleet. Spring has sprung here in the UK and there`s even sunshine and dandelions to prove it, providing some brightness to the pleasant livery of this operator.

Volvo B10MA / Plaxton Premiere Interurban #401

16 march 2014 - Cherrydown East, Basildon. Loading near Basildon Station is one of two articulated coaches in use on a long-term rail replacement service to the nearby town of Benfleet. The journey takes just 20 minutes, but passenger loadings are heavy.

Comments: 2

Volvo B10MA / Plaxton Premiere Interurban #402

16 march 2014 - Cherrydown East, Basildon. Articulated buses in the UK are rare, and there has always been problems associated with their operation here due to large amounts of narrow roads and that no-one has ever got used to them. Articulated coaches are rarer still, with just a handful of examples around, so I was pleased to catch up with the 2 examples working a long-term rail replacement contract in Essex.



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