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Isuzu QDG-LV290N1 Erga Non-Step #A6-954

13 december 2018 - Niiza City (Saitama Pref.), Tōhoku 2-chōme (埼玉県新座市東北2丁目), Prefectural Route 40. With that said, I`d like to say hello :) I hope to add worthwhile content to this photogallery.

志33-1 (shi-33-1): 志木駅南口 (Shiki Station South Exit) → 新座駅南口 (Niiza Station South Exit)
With this photo, I think I can summarise the essence of Japanese suburbs quite well: not the widest streets (sidewalk not compulsory), completely mixed high-rise and low buildings, mandatory kombini in a relatively accessible distance (here: 7-Eleven), wiring out in the open, at least a few bicycles within eye`s reach, and along the afore-mentioned street a local city buses passes quite regularly (or not), whose purpose is a feeder to the closest railway station or stop. Sleepertown, no more, no less.

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