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Mercedes-Benz O530 II #MEC34
Author: af_robert enRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2009-08-04 18:27:15
Width: 825, Height: 550
File size: 192.63kB
4 august 2009 - London (London Borough of Lambeth). Waterloo Bus Garage. Mayor of London proudly presents... the New Routemasters! ..as planned, the 'evil of this world' - bendies, are being withdrawn. They should've been replaced by New Routemasters - representation of a combination of tradition and modernity - so here they are! Check out the open platform which allows passengers to get on and off board quickly and without queues, check out the upper deck ..wait a second! ..there isn't any? ..oh yes! ..we've got the Credit Crunch after all! ;) Well.. I'm just wondering if Londoners still hates artic buses so badly. As they now have a less passenger capacity which simply means - more crowds, and much less reliable service. So many improvements! Thank You Boris! ..Go-Ahead
pl en gt
Tags: TfL Lambeth 507 bendies go home


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