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Kinki Sharyo Alexandria #1102


NameKinki Sharyo Alexandria
(Kinki Sharyo) /Kinki Sharyo Cairo
Build Number
1982APTA الإسكندرية (al-Iskandariyya)
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
19821102 / APTA الإسكندرية (al-Iskandariyya)
Other Information
Single deck twin car, city/Ramleh lines. Pantograph and trolley pole equipped.


21 february 2010 - Alexandria, Egypt - Midan el Tahrir. A few of the Alexandria Kinki Sharyo trams are dual-equipped with both pantograph and trolley pole, as seen here, so they can run through the city (trolley pole) and out on the Ramleh interurban, by changing current collectors at the Ramleh line terminus. This allows people from the city to travel across the system boundary by paying just one fare.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 3

21 february 2010 - Alexandria, Egypt - Midan el Tahrir: Another two-car tram train heading along one of the main streets towards the terminus of the largely separate interurban tramway which connects the city to its northern suburbs. The cars on this part of the system all use pantographs for current collection, so some of the city trams, like #1102 shown here, are equipped with both pantographs and trolley poles, allowing them to travel onto both sections in order to provide a `through` service.
Author: dvigar



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