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Gotha T2 #6

Gotha T2 #6

Built: 1938
Author: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2018-12-17 18:06:23
Width: 1400, Height: 1050
File size: 473.92kB
31 july 2004 - Halle, Germany - Seebener Strasse: The former East German city of Halle has a fantastic tramway museum based on an old depot, which is connected to the city tracks to allow various trams to operate on a regular basis. Here is Kirnitzschtalbahn #6 just outside - a tram a bit like my girlfriend, as it has been about a bit. Built in 1938 for Erfurt, it worked on the Lockwitztalbahn in Dresden from 1968 until the line closed in 1977 and then passed to Bad Schandau, coming to Halle in 1993.
en gt


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