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Built: 1906
Author: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2018-07-27 11:51:44.309151
Width: 1400, Height: 787
File size: 617.02kB
9 august 2011 - Crich,UK - National Tramway Museum: Seen beneath the Bowes Lyon bridge which is a feature of the Crich museum is this tram from the Johannesburg Municipal Tramways of South Africa, a large system with British origins. Built by the UECC company of Preston, Lancashire, it would have been shipped in `kit form` and assembled on arrival in South Africa. It ran there until 1959 and was later brought back to England as an example of a tram built in the UK but exported - one of many.
en gt
Tags: zabytek


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