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English Electric Baloon #723
Author: straphan pledytorRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2012-02-26 15:58:16
Width: 900, Height: 600
File size: 210.32kB
22 october 2010 - Cleveleys, Rosall Road, Cleveleys terminus. Due to the theft of yet non-electrified OHLE the modernised stretch to Fleetwood was not operational at the time. Much has changed in Blackpool in the last few years. In order to make the system look like a proper light rail line, half of the stops were removed, 16 low-floor Flexity Outlook 2 cars were ordered, a new depot (co-financed by the EU) was built and - sadly - some of the old tramcars were sold off (the remainder will run a tourist service between Blackpool and Bispham). Car 723 will luckily stay here. Apologies for the quality, but the weather situation wasn't exactly pretty at the time.
en pl gt


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