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Iveco Daily 30-8 #A 3094 AP
Author: Metzgermeister5 enRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2008-07-30 16:39:06
Width: 800, Height: 600
File size: 119.09kB
30 july 2008 - Burgas, Bulgaria. While I was taking a walk with my friend, I saw this thing. This is the one and only Iveco Daily of "Burgasvolan", which they use for the line 9a. If it was here, it probably wasn't in service by that time, because the line doesn't pass through here. The vehicle was bought earlier this year in order to replace the Chavdar LC 51 which was running on this line for years. The Iveco is certainly better than the Chavdar, but it's still very bad investition for me, because its condition is far from OK, especially the ceiling over the front window. Maybe, it was better when "BurgasBus" were operating the line, but they left it over 5 years ago, because they weren't gaining money from it - actually, it was free. When "Burgasvolan" took it, the drivers started to sell tickets. In the beginning there were several Chavdar LC 51 buses, but then there was only one left. It was scrapped this year.
en bg gt


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