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Musee des Transports en Commun du Pays de Liège/

DAB 11-0920S #3983

5 june 2009 - Liege (BE) – museum Natalis. One for the TWB detectives, I think. This Scania DAB ultra-low-floor bus stands in a corner of the Liege transport museum. It’s in TEC colours, but looks as if it is brand new and has never been registered or operated. It originated from the Danish Silkeborg plant, which (I thought) stopped making buses in 2003 when the company went bankrupt. An impressive bus, though – the floor is only 17cm from the ground, and lowers another 6cm at stops. So what’s the story, I wonder? If it was built several years ago, why has TEC never used it, and why is it in the museum?
Author: dvigar
Comments: 8



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