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Ipswich Buses Ltd./

Optare Solo M920 #241

26 august 2014 - Ipswich, Princes Street.
Author: ChrisGBNL

24 august 2016 - Ipswich, Princes Street. Seen crossing Civic Drive with a town service to the neighbourhood near Gippeswyk Park.
Author: ChrisGBNL

Optare Solo M920 #242

20 june 2009 - Ipswich, Saint Helen's St. Route: 1, towards: Rail Station.
Author: Grzesiu-z1

14 may 2011 - Ipswich, Crown Street. Seen leaving Tower Ramparts Bus Station.
Author: ChrisGBNL

Optare Solo M920 #243

22 july 2014 - Ipswich, Princes Street.
Author: ChrisGBNL

Optare Solo M920 #245

22 june 2009 - Ipswich, Russell Rd. Route: 38, towards: City Centre. First hybrid bus in Ipswich Buses.
Author: Grzesiu-z1

16 june 2014 - Ipswich, Dogs Head Street. Seen outside Old Cattle Market Bus Station. It was repainted in early 2014 to this `All About Ipswich` livery to promote a weekend service to the Waterfront in the town along with the service 38 which it operated on weekdays.
Author: ChrisGBNL



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