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Бургасволан 95, ООД/

Mercedes-Benz O405 #A 2238 KT

11 april 2011 - Burgas, bus station "West". Should I change the operator of the bus to "Бургасволан 95, ООД" as this company seems to operate line no. 7?
Author: GK
Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O405 #A 4200 BA

24 october 2007 - Burgas, Bulgaria. The only O405 of "Burgasvolan" is standing just for a photo session at my favorite bus station near "Billa", where I can shoot lots of buses :) It's a shame that the car wash is an expensive luxury for the buses in Burgas. The strange thing about this bus is that its gearbox is manual and the engine sounds just like the one of O305! BTW, the line 25 goes to a quarter named "Dolno Ezerovo".
Author: Metzgermeister5

23 june 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. The engine of a Mercedes O405 bus.
Author: Metzgermeister5



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